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Yuri's Orlov Mercs after action report (kind of ;-))

Posted: 13 Jul 2009, 21:32
by Mr.Ghost a person responsible of getting things done right during B7 event, I'm presenting YOM's data files to all respected Berget players.
For those who don't want to download to much combat log (1,2MB) only proposed (alternative link).
For those who need to know more - all merc's data in one archive (669,4MB).
Feel free do discuss and ask questions.

Echo over and out.

Re: Yuri's Orlov Mercs after action report (kind of ;-))

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 06:29
by waffelke
Mr.Ghost a person responsible of getting things done right during B7 event, I'm presenting YOM's data files to all respected Berget players.
For those who don't want to download to much combat log (1,2MB) only proposed.
For those who need to know more - all merc's data in one archive (669,4MB).
Feel free do discuss and ask questions.

Echo over and out.

the link is not working :(

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 06:39
by Mr.Ghost
Just tested it - working. Probably faulty dynamic dns which i have. I'll reupload files to something stable this evening.


Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 10:59
by Lynx
Hello lads,
could you write the details of some epizodes of your operations during the game? It would be helpfull for everyone just to understand what was where in details.

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 12:17
by whiskey
First, a mirror of the data, if someone has issues with Mr.Ghost's dynamic DNS:

And now a few things regarding the game itself from my point of view (apologies for making it so brief, I currently lack the time for more in depth analysis) as Yuri Orlov.

Yuri Orlov's actions:
- worked mostly in Bashir City, undercover as a secretary of the businessman from the Mashtooristan Chamber of Commerce
- dealing with Mayor
- dealing with Bashir Police Department and Mayor's office, obtaining as many weapon permits as possible
- made contact with our secret agent, the mayor's clerk in Bashir city
- visiting casino (received a mission from Berget Crew, being a gambling addict) at least once day
- accompanying Batyushka into Bashir City, observing NATO commander - helping Batyushka to coordinate attack by radio (failed, as there was no radio connection)
- made contact with the banker in the city
- met the priest and discussed with him and Batyushka the possibility of serving a mass in the church
- made contact with the pimp and tasked him to recon enemy bases in exchange for some financial benefits
- witnessed NATO attack on Bashir with the massacre in the church
- obtaining money to hand over to the HQ personnel
- made contact with Milo's Tigers and made an alliance with them
- tasked our dealer in the city, Brujo, to sell Orlov Roads and Demolition and ORlov Electricity and Television shares
- obtained mortar, mines and antitank missiles for sale
- obtained nuclear bomb suitcase
- made contact with the weapons dealer in the city to sell the nuclear suitcase
- sent the defusing keys to the nuclear device to Bashir city, one for sale by Brujo, the second by Tomy as a lumber jack straight to Mayor's office
- made contact with the Mayor in an attempt to make him to step down from the elections, offered to make him a prime minister and move the nuclear suitcase to destroy the NATO base (he did not cooperate and run away with all the city money and the bomb exploded after the civilians were evacuated and the city occupied by NATO).

A few remarks on the operation of Yuri Orlov Mercenaries during the Berget 7 campaign:
Perfect preparations of all HQ activities by Lynx, Mr.Ghost and all the other people involved that I do not know. Great job guys! The original agreement with Lynx that political/LARP activites will be separated from military missions, as he concluded that most people want to fight, worked as expected. Also the attempt to remain friendly at all times with the civilian population worked acceptably well.
The HQ operations worked smoothly most of the time, actually I've never seen such an organized HQ performance on an airsoft event so far. Of course, there wasn't always enough mission for all the foot soldiers (we accomplished 95% of the missions from the Berget crew with 18-20 hours from the game start), but that is inevitable at an event of this size.
A big thank you to all the people involved, hopefully there will be an opportunity to meet all of you at an airsoft event again.

Quite a few times I had off-game meetings with the crew to arrange small bits and pieces, the organizational part of the event has shown further improvement this year over the previous games.

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 12:31
by Olli
Good AAR. Task-list helps alot of identifying what was going on and when.

About F-16 mission: The SRP had both GPS-devices and we used them to ambsh NATO and YOM -troops. The pilot was killed by SRP before the mission had even begun. Mission was to turn them on and attract enemies with them to ambushpoints. SRP had to keep the devices on from midnight to 0200 am. After we had used them two hours we turned them off. Thats why you couldn't see the becons everytime. After 0200 YOM troops appeared near the location where GPS were last turned on and tried to look it, but the trackers wer allready moved to SRP base. The YOM troops were shot by SRP XO aka. Kartoon.

Next time the GPS were put on by Dog -company led by Taxi. This was done on friday-saturday night. They placed one the GPS -tracker near BC and the second one near the Milo's base. Idea was to attrack YOM and NATO to fight each other for the trackers. Don't know did anyone eventually find them.


Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 12:37
by Mr.Ghost
Thanks Olli! I've heard some rumors during beer-party about what this mission was actually. Now everything clear for me. Thanks.

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 14:32
by Brujo
Olli, we returned the GPS devices to organizers in the morning as signal ended at two and didn't come back so our assumption was:
- SPR got them, wasted the pilot and ate the camera
- signal was either turned off by SRP or died to malfunction

In either way, the mission was finished for us.

The tragic part of the story was that we started huntuing the signal at midnight as planned by GM's... and tracked it with our best two squads... to offzone, the damn mission was late and transmittors didn't leave the GM house yet.
So our now somehow tired two squads walked (or ran) back to base to wait for the signal to actually come live. Which it did a few minutes after units returned. The clash at SRP would be so much more fun if it wasn't for all the timing issue. Still, knowing the tempo of these two squads I give them utmost credit and respect for that mission!

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 14:39
by tomy
Brujo wrote:Olli, we returned the GPS devices to organizers in the morning as signal ended at two and didn't come back so our assumption was:
- SPR got them, wasted the pilot and ate the camera
- signal was either turned off by SRP or died to malfunction

In either way, the mission was finished for us.

The tragic part of the story was that we started huntuing the signal at midnight as planned by GM's... and tracked it with our best two squads... to offzone, the damn mission was late and transmittors didn't leave the GM house yet.
So our now somehow tired two squads walked (or ran) back to base to wait for the signal to actually come live. Which it did a few minutes after units returned. The clash at SRP would be so much more fun if it wasn't for all the timing issue. Still, knowing the tempo of these two squads I give them utmost credit and respect for that mission!
should have stormed the GM house and kill everyone and get the beacons .... :D:D:D

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 14:41
by Brujo
Nah, the mission would end in an infinite democratic discussion before it even started :D

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 15:08
by Mr.Ghost
Brujo wrote:Nah, the mission would end in an infinite democratic discussion before it even started :D
Because of that someone (may be You?) marked it in task list as completed ;-) I've doublechecked and asked You personally about mission progress, and finally decided to mark it as completed in the log ;-)

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 15:22
by Brujo
Hey Ghost, the endless discussion comment was pointed at the crew :)
I gave you my opinion on the mission as it was: signal failed, pilot persumed KIA. At that time we did not know the SRP used it for a trap.

Just so that it would not look like our two squads were killed by a Kartoon, I have seen the path they walked in trying to find something like a box or a badger in flightsuit... they did virtually turn every rock around in the area of the last signal.

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 16:16
by Trasher-HU
Olli wrote:After 0200 YOM troops appeared near the location where GPS were last turned on and tried to look it, but the trackers wer allready moved to SRP base. The YOM troops were shot by SRP XO aka. Kartoon.
Not quite. :)

Upon arrival we got incoming from a single SRP personnel (who later revealed that he was looking for his lost radio antenna, or at least that was what he told us). One or two of our guys got hit, but I as a squad medic I fixed them up. We broke contact, then headed toward last known position of beacons. We set up a 360-degree defensive perimeter at the site (near crossroads), in case the SRP soldier is still stalking us.

Sometime later the lone SRP fighter declared himself offgame (?) then left. The following 20-30 minutes, we observed SRP units moving on the roads, some alive, some offgame. After everything calmed down, we started searching the supposed beacon site. While searching we were spotted by a small SRP unit, but we killed them in a short firefight.

After searching the area for more than a hour we walked back to Orlov HQ without a single contact... Both recon teams had zero KIA and 1-2 WIA.

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 17:01
by Brujo
So who did kartoon really kill? :?

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 17:38
by Trasher-HU
We discussed this mission with Olli at the afterparty, I think it's a simple misunderstanding, maybe I didn't explain myself correctly, maybe the loud music, beer, or everything combined. :)

Anyway, I was a bit suprised when Olli explained to me the F16 mission was just a setup/cover for a big ambush.

Fortunately we were late to the SRP-party. :P