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Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 23:35
by alecu
RRV + 3 day assault backpack - FTW

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 08:49
by Crapgame
Windi^ wrote:I would also not use any thigh mounted equipment if you are going to do much walking (and in BE games you usually do), since those tend to chafe your legs. Same goes with kneepads. At least for me. Also thigh holsters etc tend to pull the belt (either the belt of your trousers or belt of your carrying equipment) and make the use of thigh stuff irritating.

Weeellll NO i dont agree. for some this might be true BUT if you have a broad stiff equipment belt and place the thighholster high up and make shure the straps are tight and a bit elastic so it does not move around to much it will not chafe, at least with Safariland and Serpa platform this is the case. Alot of player tend to place their thighholsters to far down which makes them move around alot and makes the quick-draw function useless.

Kneepads i agree on and if you want kneepads (like me) then buy tacticalpants with built in kneepads like Crye, Clawgear, KSK kommmando pants or the China versions.

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 09:07
by Windi^
Crapgame wrote:
Weeellll NO i dont agree. for some this might be true BUT if you have a broad stiff equipment belt and place the thighholster high up and make shure the straps are tight and a bit elastic so it does not move around to much it will not chafe, at least with Safariland and Serpa platform this is the case. Alot of player tend to place their thighholsters to far down which makes them move around alot and makes the quick-draw function useless.
Well maybe it works for somebody. I have been using Serpa and Safariland and same issue with those. Maybe not that bad than with lower mounted nylon holsters etc, but still. But depends on a person I guess.

Maybe the guideline would be then: If you know that when wearing thigh stuff you will get chafes, do not use those. By any means, those are not that necessary items.

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 15:58
by Cuby
Regarding holster:

If you have room on your vest for a cross draw holster, then you can avoid the chafing of your leg all in all

Back to topic:

I prefere Modular Vest. I'm not a big guy, so a tightened vest fits me perfectly. It's high enough to not get in the way of my hips, and it's small enough to not stick out when crawling.

Only downside is the mag pouches have a tendency of dragging dirt along with you when youre in a low profile crawl, and can easily get stuck in some branches sticking out of the ground

Posted: 07 Jan 2011, 21:45
by Klings
Pro tip on leg holsters: When holstered, the muzzle should be at the same level as your pinky finger (the shortest one). Ajust your holster and improve draw.

For infantry-stuff i play in a Modular vest, (German IDZ vest, less mainstram than Molle)

if you're not sure on your setup divide your vest in to seven aereas.
(setup for a right-handed shooter, change if you're a lefty)
1: Chest, Right : nothing or low profile admin pouch for maps, pouches may get in the way of your stock.
2: Chest, Left : Radio
3: Belly, Right: utility pouch
4: Belly, Left: Magazines
5: Side, Right: Nom nom nom food
6: Side, Left: Canteen with water
7: Back, stuff you don't need asap. extra bb's medic kit...
Not saying this is correct for everyone, just a guiding tip, figure out your own setup to maximize the fun.

Posted: 18 Jan 2011, 13:33
by Toetach
Chestrig or vest depends on the mission. For missions where you only need a view mags and some small stuf i'd rather use a chestrig.

For longer skirms where you need to bring a lot of stuff (like berget) i use an ops vest.

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 01:39
by Skies
Hi Guys. well i'll be unsing a loadbearing boar chestrig, because it combines light weight with lots of magpouches and has an integrated pack. all in all it weighs around 7kg with everything i need! (up to 11 mags, Hydrationbag 2,5l, MRE, spare ammo, speedloader, intel, spare batterys, tools for small repairs and my tabacco and chewinggum^^) :D

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 04:08
by Brujo
LBV, Molle belt and ILBE assault pack... if it's good for the Corps, it is good for me.

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 09:37
by Haiden
Because of my back and shoulders dont manage high loading, (sunday play is ok but not longer plays)
i have bought, tested and sold many different vests, many of them are ok, but chestrigg u really feel light, but i never liked to have a backpack with a chestrigg couse the shoulderstraps from the backpack always pushing down the shoulderstraps from the chestrigg hard on my shoulders after a few hours.

So my last purchase was an used RRV with Backpack and OMG how this feels good even with much load in the small backpack!

and problem 2 is that i get bruces from my belt if i have loaded it with legholster etc, and couse i have a short overbody, every vest's always go down to my waist so i cant have a high loading belt with shoulderstraps but with RRV's i can!

So if you want to be able to move easy, still be able to have more then just magg's on you, go får a RRV + a high loading belt with shoulderstraps! and if it fells heavy after a day, just snap of the backpack ;)


chestrigg: ... ORDURA.htm

backpack: (not same color but u see how it fits together) ... ORDURA.htm

high loading belt harness: ... sei1r5adm1

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 12:05
by OF06
Blackhawk Commando Chest Harness!

Fits AK and SVD mags and it´s quite comfortable!


B10 Poldavian 3rd Mountaineers

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 15:32
by JKangas
+1 for combined chest-rig + backpack. Balances much better, does not bounce around and you do not have two sets of straps on your shoulders which helps in routing comms wires etc. The only drawback is that you really need a rig that is easy to take off, otherwise it is too cumbersome to access your backpack. I have Tactical Tailor MAV, with a small hydration pack attached to x-harness molle straps.

Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 18:18
by Qwerty
I prefer lightweight chestrigs and bandoleers in short skirmish-games. Bought EI H-Harness for longer operations like Berget. Extremely comfortable and shares the weight on shoulders.

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 09:56
by Hawkins
Last year I used an RRV with a Pantac HAWK Recon backpack. Worked like a charm and allowed me to drop the backpack if needed or if in base. This year, I will run a similar setup, just a tad bit lighter. Chest rig with comms, magazines and an admin pouch for maps and other items. Belt rig with an extra magazine pouch, dump pouch, small utility pouch and a larger one for my rain poncho. Backpack has water, food, more BB's and other items that might be needed.

I have also ran through a lot of different vests but found that light weight and easy goes together with RRV's and other chest rig's. I love them.

On another note, webbing like the British PLCE is also extremely functional.

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 22:01
by Robin-Hood
I'll be using a chest rig or belt kit this year, last year I wore an EPC and it didn't provide enough ventilation for my liking. Plus I really didn't need all that MOLLE space.

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 22:25
by Waldo
This year i will bring my Oberland Gear Bravo2 ACV and leave the Bundeswehr Rigg at home.