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Clarification of Respawn Rule

Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 00:39
by elanaiba
Respawn Rules as stated here: ... erget8&s=4
On being eliminated, you must proceed immediately to your re-spawn where you will wait for 30 minutes before you can re-spawn and rejoin the game. It is at all times "off-game" inside the re-spawn & Safe-zone.


All re-spawns are time controlled, meaning that you can only re-spawn every whole and half hour. If you are not out of play you may never fire into or enter the re-spawn; inside, eye protection should be used at all times. There should never be any kind of siege on enemy re-spawn locations.
I've been to Berget 7 and 8 and I've heard a couple of interpretations to this rule, and I'd like an official clarification for the future. Can I respawn at precisely 30 mins from entering respawn or do I have to wait for the half/full hour?


If I reach the respawn at 11:55, when do I respawn:
a) 12:00
b) 12:25
c) 12:30

My interpretation of the rules is variant C but at both bergets I was advised by people that checked with Berget Events that B is the right choice.

Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 01:40
by Brujo
The correct answer is actually, "A" 8)

Should be written "where you will wait UP TO 30 minutes".
The purpose of this is so that respawned-players can re-join the game in bigger number and as such form a "reenforcement" in shape of a unit.

Posted: 26 Jul 2010, 10:58
by Crapgame
As Brujo said but with the addition that a GM might tell you to wait until 12:30 if you are in a Base respawn and the base is under attack.
this happened during B8 when 3rd pol mountain base was under attack, we came in ??:25 and where told to wait until ??:00 to give agressors a chance.

but yes in normal cases choose "A" as brujo says

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 17:43
by Obi-San
WTF :x
I always used C, as GM told me - respawn is every 30 minutes, but you must be in respawn minimum for 30 minutes...

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 18:39
by Brujo
Cheer up boys, I've played good milsim games where respawn was 4 hours :shock:

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 19:05
by Arbiterman
Actually, Brujo, A is a wrong answer :)

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 20:13
by elanaiba
Brujo, if correct answer is A, how do you explain and apply the following quote from the rules:
Certain VIPs, LARPs & officers (platoon leader or above) will have a double-length re-spawn time (60 minutes).

Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 21:10
by elanaiba
At this point I'd really appreciate an answer from Berget-Events, considering that Berget Trustees can't seem to agree with each other :D

Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 09:19
by Berget-events
A was the right anwser. But it will be updated for the new rules version.

Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 11:12
by Brujo
Berget-events wrote:A was the right anwser. But it will be updated for the new rules version.
In your face, Arby :P

Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 15:01
by Arbiterman
Crap :D

We always played by the rule of waiting in respawn for a minumum of 30 (soldiers) or 60 minutes (officers). And I can't remember even a single event of using the 1255-1300 rule by the players I've ever meet in respawns for last 3 Bergets. Ofcourse I can't talk for all players but it seems to me that majority of players are playing with the same rule as we do. We can start the vote to find out where ever it's true :)

So still -- it seems to me to be fair and most commonly used rule for waiting in respawn for at least half an hour and respawn with mates every half/full hour.

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 01:14
by elanaiba
Yep, and I can't imagine what happens when you're going infiltration in disguise (as we did as psyops) and knifekill some dudes at 11:55 ... do you have them on your back 5 mins later?

Also, when does an officer respawn?

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 09:20
by freno
elanaiba wrote: Also, when does an officer respawn?
Answer A...double time. Atleast 35min.

Crap! I´ve also used "full-respawntime"!
We need to read "The Book" more often and discuss it round the campfire!! :-P

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 03:36
by Panzergraf
We read the book, and the RAW (Rules as Written) still suggests that C is the correct option.

Wait 30min and then spawn at the first whole or half hour.

That's how we interpreted the rules, and that's what we told everyone from our side who spawned with us.

But now, if a crew member says that's not the case... Well I suggest you clear up the wording till next year :)

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 12:02
by Arbiterman
I just want to point to one important thing with changing the rules to right one.

A) Players who use the rule to spawn every half/full hour without additional delay spend on average 15 minutes in respawn point.

B) For thouse who wait for 30 minutes and spawns instantly it's 30 minutes.

C) For Players who wait for 30 minutes and spawns every half/full hour an average spawn time is 45 minutes.

In my opinion most of the players used B and C and they average spawn time was around 40 minutes. And even if it was wrong and the rules wasn't read correctly, switching from 40 to 15 minutes will surely have effect on the Berget games.

3 days of speed ball :shock:

I find Brujo's idea about 4 hours milsim spawning not so bad :D