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Nato uniforms

Posted: 22 Aug 2009, 11:34
by jurgen975
I have seen many different uniforms at the NATO base,however would it not be a great idea that every player for NATO uses the same uniform.

In 2 occasions i had my doubl's if i had a friend or a enemy into my gun site because i couldn't make out if his armband was ours or from the enemy

I would like to suggest that every faction uses a different uniform
for NATO i could take a uniform like acu/marpat/us-woodland

plus point's are:
-Get more a impression of a army
-Easier identification

Minus points
-This only works if your opponent is wearing a different uniform

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 09:54
by Colin23451
well that depends, in reality any NATO uniform goes. It would be that way in any real life operation. Not to mention buying new gear can be pricy. i like it the way it is. Now as I understand the rules one faction can only use Russian/Soviet style uniforms. another can only use OD Green. I think the organizers try their best to solve this. if you are confused I sugest you ask your unit commander or just a friend if the person you see is friendly or enemy. If they can't tell well it's up to you whether to open fire or not. You can read my thing entitled command decisions that talks partly about how command could better handle themseves to avoid confusion. Hope i helped, I'll check back. Here's the area to look at team uniform: ... erget7&s=3

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 11:16
by Cpt
It would be the same to regulate that NATO players may only use for example woodland BDU. As it is to regulate that SRP forces may only use OD.

The thing with NATO is that it always look like a mess(and other factions that are allowed to much freedom). I'd gladly see that only a few main camos would be allowed. Say maybe DPM, woodland and something more. And then organize companies after camo. That would both look awesome and generate a feeling of affinity.

to Cpt

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 11:46
by Colin23451
Cpt the problem is again in real life it's the same way not to mention i want to wear my countries uniform, as do most people i think, of course I always make sure to look smart but still I don't think it's a good Idea to have one uniform, Armbands will have to do.

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 13:30
by spolb
i totally agree.
that would be much more realistic

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 14:05
by Geboren
I've been on several duties with UN observers, we had US, Frenchies, UK, Germans, Italians, Spanish, etc with us.. I've never seen them wearing a unique uniform to "allow to eventual enemies to spot them better" ... Same thing with NATO in Kosovo or everwhere else...

The fact is that you have to deal with camos.. And so what? In real life too the NATO should be sure of his fire when he see a camo. What would they say back to Warsaw pact? haha. "mmh he looks slovakian.." -"no I think he's from ukrainia, don't you think?".

Don't tell me about "realism" if you want that NATO wear only one camo.. :D

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 14:20
by spolb

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 15:02
by Cpt
True. Real life is different.

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 16:09
by jurgen975
I coming to the conclusion that your right about the uniform thing Geboren,NATO has 28 members and so much uniforms.

But on the other hand i don't see the dutch,Brits and other use one the same firebase in "stan".They all have there own bases.

Organizing companies after camo is a intersthing idea but probably not very pratical unless the comany structure is know in lets say February or march then every body has time to get a uniform if he or she wishes so


Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 23:34
by 55nilsson
The problem here is NOT the camo for the NATO-team...

But the blatant breaking of the rules by the other teams, that wore uniforms they were not allowed to.
For example, our platoon were ambushed and wiped out (thats ok by me)
But what I had a real problem with was that the people that came out of the forrest, wore full camo-sets : Cad-pat , M84 (Danish) , and a few DPM.

They wore RED armbands and full Nato-camo-sets...

They said it was ok with the Berget-Crew, and if thats what they were told, fine, then the problem is with the crew for allowing breaking of the rules.

I am one of the people that have said that this is easy to solve with better and clearer uniform-rules.

Team 1: All FULL nato-camo
Team 2: All FULL russian-camo
Team 3: All ONLY OD (And I mean OD, not brown or russian brownish-green)
Team 4: PMC, NO camo and NO OD

NO-one is allowed to wear anything from the other teams lineup.


Posted: 24 Aug 2009, 00:42
by Colin23451
55Nielson, I'm sorry to here that, it's clearly stated they can't have full sets, the crew shouldn't allow and people should read everything carefully before coming to avoid getting caught with the wrong uniform.

To Geborgen: As you can see by my previous replies I completly agree.

To Jurgen75, in regards to your reply: it's a little confusing but what I think you're saying is organizing things by camo, well first problem, not enough people, this isn't reality in that sense, 2 we have to work with our allies so it's
pretty clear that organizing by camo in this game is impractical and very hard

P.S. this would be a great Do you Agree? Yes/No/Maybe Poll Question
My answer is No

Non-NATO Members

Posted: 24 Aug 2009, 01:39
by Colin23451
Not that it matters for me but I was wondering about uniforms form non-NATO, but allied countries like Australia, Japan, or Finland. Would they be acceptable on the NATO side?

Posted: 24 Aug 2009, 12:29
by Panzergraf
Well the Swedes are allowed in on the NATO side, but I don't know about the others.

Re: ...

Posted: 24 Aug 2009, 13:12
by freno
1. Ambush is a kind of cheating!

2. If i should be planning an REALLIFE ambush.... I surten should use the most usefull camoset for the mission, eaven if it need to be stolen from the enemy....

3. Let us still have fun, playing AS with international friends! Otherwise, it could endup in some teams can´t join because they don´t efford a second(or third) uniform.

4. 55Nilsson! I asume this guys didn´t wipe you out, just ´cause of the uniforms?

5. I peronally think it LOOKS nice to have similar uniforms on same team!!!

Re: ...

Posted: 24 Aug 2009, 17:17
by Sebbe
freno wrote:1. Ambush is a kind of cheating!
Wait- what?
What kind of ambush do you mean? A rule against ambushing is a redicilous rule. :?