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A Thanks to the Berget staff

Posted: 01 Jul 2014, 18:03
by ce33
Gilson / Stuart R. wrote:I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Berget staff and those Finns for coming to my timely rescue.
I am the Brit Orlov player who managed to pop his knee cap off without ever leaving the base on Friday. I am happy to say, due to the swiftness and professionalism of the Berget team and those other players which volunteered to help, my knee has suffered no long-term damage. So I thought it proper to express my gratitude to all you guys publicly. Also to say I'll be attending next year, so you'd better stock up on morphine :D .

I am posting this using Cennie's account due to my account being inactive for whatever reason.

Re: A Thanks to the Berget staff

Posted: 02 Jul 2014, 16:18
by Windi^
You are welcome. Glad to hear your knee didn't suffer any greater injuries :)

At first it was very confusing since you started yelling medic and screaming. A lot of people thought it was ingame stuff. But when I heard "game off" yelling I just ran towards you. I didn't know much what to do, but at least I decided to calm you down and make you feel a little pit relaxed that everything was OK.

I'm glad you are OK and the GM's responded swiftly!

Re: A Thanks to the Berget staff

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 14:35
by Coffe
Popping a knee? Ouch! Tough break there! :o

One of my friends had a severe reaction to his diabetes last year. I remeber that we got help and volunteers very swiftly then as well.

It's good to hear that players can feel safe during Berget games where injuries are concerned.

Now if we can just adress the issue of solving some of the cold nights by sending pretty, naked women with loose morals into players sleeping bags, it would be perfect. :D

Seriously though, glad you recovered!

Re: A Thanks to the Berget staff

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 21:23
by Frasse
Did the doctor take care of you?
In that case he talked to me about the incident with a somewhat scary enthusiasm... :D He was thrilled to inject local-anaesthesia around the knee out in the field and getting it back in the first try satisfied him.
I guess we all have our perversions. :D

Re: A Thanks to the Berget staff

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 00:14
by ce33
Yeah the doctor took care of me. And yeah, he was far more into it afterwards than I was.

Re: A Thanks to the Berget staff

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 17:12
by Coffe
Frasse wrote:Did the doctor take care of you?
In that case he talked to me about the incident with a somewhat scary enthusiasm... :D He was thrilled to inject local-anaesthesia around the knee out in the field and getting it back in the first try satisfied him.
I guess we all have our perversions. :D
Hehe, I can picture his reaction hearing about the incident.

"A popped kneecap? Finally my time to shine!" :lol: