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Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 18:12
by freak
No. We did not use glass BBs that some rumours had circling around stated.
Ok, but there was transperent(glass?) bbs inside the care?
So some of you did use.

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 18:41
by CEF-Longsword_CZ
From my point of view was chain of command absolutely useless. I was (as squad leader) in command tent once, in Sunday morning, just have look. And this is wrong. I can say, for next time is deadly necessary to make some "Orders board" in middle of camp. And every day, or before every large mission, write there name of operation, participated Coy, Platoon, Squads and time for briefing/debriefing, It´s work in Army, it´s should be work in Berget too. Everybody will see who is on mission and what kind of mission it is. No complains about "poor" mission, guarding, etc.
Our squad has action every day, just because we asked Floki: "Is something special for now? No? OK, we are going to shoot some NATO/SRP, if You don´t mind." and It was something else, bigger, more important, we was send to battle. Mostly without any intel, background story, or close info.
I don´t want to blame somebody, it´s difficult to find one/two victims in this case, but we need to look forward, for next year and find better way how to handle this situation.
Real pain in the arse was map. It sucks more than almost anything else, we was lost in important moment of battle just because we have no idea where is our objective.

Another side, I need to say, I has good time, when I meet some fight, even when I climbed bloody rocks to reach some point ;-)

For next time more toilets and bins, please!

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 18:58
by Cpt
freak wrote:
No. We did not use glass BBs that some rumours had circling around stated.
Ok, but there was transperent(glass?) bbs inside the care?
So some of you did use.

No. We did not.

Might I add that I heard after the game that a bag of glass BBs were found in a base that was not SRPs but NATO or MERC(I have to confirm what I heard before I say any thing that might turn out to be untrue)

But glass bbs we did not

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 18:58
by Pahapaavali
freak wrote:
No. We did not use glass BBs that some rumours had circling around stated.
Ok, but there was transperent(glass?) bbs inside the care?
So some of you did use.
To this I would say that we found 6mm steel bb inside our tent after Mercs had attacked our base. Not aluminium but steel. Was it shot from Merc gun or just happened to be there, no-one knows, so let's stop this stupid argument before it gets out of hand as it usually does.

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 19:00
by luppis
freak wrote:
No. We did not use glass BBs that some rumours had circling around stated.
Ok, but there was transperent(glass?) bbs inside the care?
So some of you did use.
Then they were surely picked up by the driver once he noticed them, so that there would be proof for his claim? I would sure as hell take those BBs and show them to the GMs if something like that ever happened to me.

Here is a picture of the vehicle before Taksi told the driver to drape the orange off-game flag outside on the front windshield wiper. Before that, it was bunched in front of the steering wheel, no doubt having been thrown there in a heap because of the speeds he was driving.

You might note the size of the only outside off-game "flag" on the right mirror, away from the positions of the SRP positions. You might also note the red flag on top of the vehicle. ... =700469402

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 19:08
by Pahapaavali
I saw that vehicle drive past UN base with off-game flags and then replacing them with a red one and 5-6 Mercs coming out of it to attack UN base :) I was watching the whole thing with my binoculars when waiting Mercs to attack the radar hill


Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 20:06
by meathead
What has the accident to do with feedback for the mercs? Drop it this thread plz. Continue in another thread.


Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 06:34
by Pampster
Please try not to forget teams.
We wer forgoten and had to hunt for a place to sleep in our bas til
Our russian frends offerd us a place in ther tent.

use intel that teams bring back

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:35
by waffelke
thanks to all the staf and to the general ,you did your best
and i had the time of my life
tanks to all
to all who did not like it well the funn you have to make on your ouwn ,its not comming on it selfe
greetz :D

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 12:28
by J. Maels
need more action

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 13:42
by Tomik99_SVK
no bad game I think...
Gen. Conrad..... basically must give more money in to mercs let they can buy drugs what you have in your case and you can get money back. Mercs will have more courage to fight after:) Till we steal your case we have no idea about drugs about this part of play :shock:

And Gen. Conrad please next time give the function off salesman to somebody more able. Don`t afraid to give it somebody who is able to buy tanks, antidots ect ect cheaper as you did it. For example price for pils was 5000 (for NATO...) and not 50.000 as you buy it :D just funny man :D Or try beat price down next time :D :D :D

But I thing that you did good job with staff and infos you get.... Also nice think was that you was really invisible for many of mercs. I think that you was not some kind of dictator or man which screaming to everybody... Just speak with comanders and thats right. But I can`t say if this work with them was good. It is their job.

To players..... not bad game with you friends. Friendly people, maybe more role play to some of you....

CrazyFrog...... You have no place in game like this... My opinion is that if you wanna feel your own consequence or gravity than go somewhere else and don`t disturb people playing their game. And yes this is offence to you!

Some fun at the end? Ability of your peoples (swiss or germans???) to shot own players and do it again to the same people after they was heathed by medics is something incredible. And very very funny after the time of course :D

Thank you russian man with tail on head.... You are really funny man.

A zaroven sorry chalani z ciech ze som si z Vas utahoval..... Zial bordel v nasom stane a jeho okoli co ste narobili som nejako musel kompenzovat :D :D :P :P

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 15:36
by sharp_tenebre
Surely you forgot to thank FALK who filled in as baker coy commander and did a dammed fine job.
my full evaluation will be done when i have finnished work for the day.

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 16:40
by meathead
sharp_tenebre wrote:Meathead.
Surely you forgot to thank FALK who filled in as baker coy commander and did a dammed fine job.
my full evaluation will be done when i have finnished work for the day.
"I like to thank a bunch of people but my memory fails me to remember nickname :oops: , but some of got a gold star from me so you know who you are."

As i wrote i my second post. He got a gold star from me IRL.


Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 22:03
by whiskey
Here is a few pics from the return trip of part of the Mercs from Slovakia. The accident happened to one of the WTF (crew included HP90 and OmegaBlack personnel) trucks on the way back home at about 100kph not too far after disembarking the ferry in Gdansk, Poland:








All is well, nobody was hurt luckily. The guys are already at home and cargo loaded onto DForce pickup and van, while the vehicle awaits repairs in a garage near to the accident site.

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 22:16
by nbIBACuK
brake only for RPG ? :)