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B6 epidemic cold - Cause: tent mildew?

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 20:19
by motorhead
I was one of many catching the epidemic cold at B6 with nearly 2 month long chest infection and slimy cough after B6.

My suspicion goes toward the tents, which appeared well-used, smelling mildew and long multi-year storage in more or less damp storage facilities.

Open question to Berget-Events:

- Can you check the tents for the presence of mildew, infectious bacteriae or viruses so we don't get the same chest infections next year?

Both me and and 25% of the Norwegian Coy were infected despite camping in 4 different tents. Many of us had to take sick leave from work after B6 and hopefully this can be avoided at B7.


Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 21:25
by kjsaw
This is a valid question to ask, but at the same time I wonder how BE can ever achieve such a thing. Of course an inspection of each tent for any mold is feasible and a very good idea, but what methods would anyone be able to use to check for infectious bacteria and viruses, and further guarantee none would occur?

With hundreds of people arriving from around the world, people traveling together in cars/planes/trains for hours, all it takes is one person to arrive with a flu virus in its infectious stage and it could spread with ease. That combined with fatigue etc is much more likely a vector for an infections virus then a tent.

Such a scenario is also essentially beyond the control of BE short of doing infrared scans of every person arriving to ensure they are not hiding a fever. I hear what you are asking, and I think personal health should be everyones primary focus, I just a not sure (other then a mold check) how what you are asking can be achieved, or your wellness from attending could be guaranteed.

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 22:21
by motorhead
Let's just call this health risk mitigation. Rotten, damp cotton tents are a questionable health hazard and the immune system is put to its test during three days of extra physical efforts anyhow. We don't need BE to be the site of epidemics.

Soldiers in a regular army live together for months while the airsoft community gathers for a few days at most and hardly adapt to each others bacteria and smelly underwear ;-)

B7 is a lot of foreign airsofters in one place, but it's rather peculiar that so many of us went out with a chest infection in Oscar Coy anyhow.
So my 2c goes toward cleaning up those tents and/or have them checked for mildew and moist damage. They were old and well-used from before and our immune systems don't have the luxury of adapting over a longer period of time.

For the sake of Berget reputation some kind of medical quality check of those tents would be welcomed. Mildew and moist from many years of storage can be more than enough grow culture for unfavourable microorganisms - and I'd rather keep them out of my system at B7. ;-)

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 22:50
by vardemis
maybe with désinfectante gaz bomb you can find in specialize enterprise

work like a smoke grenade but with the smoke product for killing bacteria and other unfriendly things :)

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 07:37
by Brujo
I was about to suggest that one should stay in the norwegian tent at their own risk :D
Maybe put their tents in a secluded area i.e. quarantine :P

Or BE should just be a bit proactive and expose the tents to sun for a week or two in spring and if any show real signs of mold, spray some modern version of zyklonB over it as Vardemis suggested...

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 09:52
by spaz
as far as I see it, where you have 2000 people gathered toghether, and suddenly sharing the same living space... it's prone to happen. it would be great to make sure the tents are ok, but if someone comes to the event and already has the flu, we're surely compromised too.

this should also point out another thing. don't drink someone else's water unless you're dying of dehidration. especially if it's from his camelbak. that's the easiest way to share viruses and bacteria.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 10:07
by Berget-events
The tents have been used for the last 5 years 2 times a year by a Swedish sport-company for a tournament. After Berget 6 these tents were used by them once again and we have talked to their staff and they reported no problems.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 11:09
by Eldoriath
Also, dont forget to wash your hands before every meal, preferably with some anti-bacteria, alcohol-based gel/equivalent.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:28
by GMR-Mole
After Berget 5, I was sick for 3 months coughing up blood, with a strange unknown cold/disease that the doctors here couldn't figure out.

They considered it "Walking Pneumonia". We didn't sleep in tents. I think it might be something on the island.

We didn't have much water- I didn't have a camelbak.

Not sure where to pin-point this. I know I wasn't the only one who caught this as well.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:31
by tomy
GMR-Mole wrote:After Berget 5, I was sick for 3 months coughing up blood, with a strange unknown cold/disease that the doctors here couldn't figure out.

They considered it "Walking Pneumonia". We didn't sleep in tents. I think it might be something on the island.

We didn't have much water- I didn't have a camelbak.

Not sure where to pin-point this. I know I wasn't the only one who caught this as well.
if it all goes according to these things,
hehe berget 11 in 2012 will be about reallife zombie outbreak in the area of Harnosand. Now I know what the 2012 prophecies about the end of the world will go like :D

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:47
by vardemis
I think if some one take the plane will multiply there chance of being seek cold system and recycling air syteme or not very clean especially with rayan air or easyjet plane who have no enough time to stop be clean and so on :)

Posted: 23 Nov 2008, 22:29
by Plante
Main problem imo was WAY too many sleeping in same tent atleast on merc side

Posted: 23 Nov 2008, 23:45
by Kartoon
When you voluntarily attend an event like this it is none elses but ones own responsibility to make the needed precautions as far as staying nurished, getting sleep and taking care of your personal hygiene.

Tent's aren't something you want your meal served from but if that is your main worry bring your own. Berget-events can't be held even mildly responsible for things such as people getting sick for different(or same) reasons.

It's studied that temperatures between +1'C and -5'C create the best surroundings for bacterial infections so keep yourself warm during the night time.

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 07:25
by motorhead
Kartoon wrote: It's studied that temperatures between +1'C and -5'C create the best surroundings for bacterial infections so keep yourself warm during the night time.
I'd say the problem was the opposite; the tent became very warm and humid during the night, so I don't think temps were that low at all. More likely a humid and damp 15-27 degrees C. I seriously consider bringing a Norwegian Army tent with better ventilation at B7 if logistics permit.

Personally I sleep with an open window most of the year, and very rarely get sick.

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 16:13
by conger
Having read this worthwhile thread, I'll be making sure I'm in my best health coming into the event, I'll eat and drink and sleep sensibly during the event and try to keep clean, warm and dry when off game.

+1 [Eldoriath] for the comment about hand hygiene before eating. A simple packet of dis-infactant wipes [I call 'em baby wipes] is a good solution here.

Good hunting