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NAF C&C after game report - short version

Posted: 03 Jul 2012, 23:17
by WhiteAce
(The long version will go to BE crew)

NAF 23rd Infantry Battalion 378 / 400 Actual ± 230
NAF 1st Command / Communication unit 24 / 50 Actual - 3
NAF 9th Reconnaissance / Sniper Unit 51 / 50 Actual ± 38
NAF 3rd Ranger Battalion 152 / 150 Actual ± 130
NAF 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion 79 / 100 Actual ± 64
Shoud have been: 750
Total: 684
Actual total: 465

Short version of the C&C after game report:

The above shows what we faced at this years event. A disappointment and a backslash on things expected.

Before I got to be the overall commander, I consulted Blackwolf, Wormbyte and Robman on this issue. I asked Blackwolf if he wanted the job, for I thought he diserved it before I did, but he wanted to stick with his Fox team. so I applied for the job with the backing of these three.

In the preperations for the game, a lot of issues were talked about even at private forums. Also a lot of questions and sugestions were issued to BE crew, although (just like the many of us) hardly ever got any reply back from them. So we proceded as we were and made several strategic plans ahead of the game.

On arrival at the game site, we got the news that we could ditch any planning we had made before. Too bad, but this is a given item and we knew this ahead of anything. So we waited for things to develop, but it wasn't until 30 minutes before game start that we received the BE orders. WAY TOO LATE!!!

C&C was supposed to have some 50 people, yet only 7 actually registered for this job and only 2 showed up... These two I gave jobs as MP and Basecamp security leaders.
Doing a 50 man job on my own was "not easy" and it took a full day and the best of help and support from mainly Wormbyte and EagleDriver to get things going a bit. It was not until friday morning that we got the time for a decent briefing where we could actually talk, discuss and distribute the Berget given orders.
Some missions given by BE were pre-assigned to specific units, which is wrong in my view. They shoudl be discussed within the group of commanders, in order to make sure the unity between the units will grow to the strenght I was looking for. It never really see that happen and this is one of the reasons.
Scripted missions should be given, in order to be sure all players from all sides meet every now and then to clash and have a good fight. That's one of the things most want to and payd for. But missions should only be given, in order to follow, not given in order to be pre-assigned. It's wrong and unfair as it turned out to be.

Tom - 2IC of 23rd Infantry, told me his unit had about 230 people. Judgementday CO of 2nd Mechanised had about 64 men, Wormbyte, CO of the 3rd Ranger unit had about 130 men and Robman, CO of the 9th Sniper and Recon unit had about 48.
Missions though were given in accordance to the 750 tickets that BE had released to NAF side. The amount of missions and speed of the game espcesially on that first 24 hours, was just to much to work with and I actually told BE that it was too much to handle in a correct fashion. If a fight broke out and back-up was needed, I hardly had people in a back-up location to send out as re-enforcements.

The good thing about the enemy working this hard in the daytime, was that they were scared or too tired in the night time.
Considdering our forces I knew from day one, we would not be able to dominate the battlefield in the daytime hours, so we had the obligation to score our points in the night time. Any daytime conquering of SP and TP location was our extra. Also the succesful outcome of most of our missions gained us enough point, to in the end win the war.
So in effect there was a constant wave of dominance with Janco (Abandoned Village) in the middle. Our outer lines lay at the lines from the Crossroads to Valley of Death. In daytime we mostly lost that line al the way back to the Old Mill. Sometimes we managed to push the Poldavian army back to Janco or even Angel peak, but there it stopped in the daytime. All of the time specific missions were also conducted close to the enemy base, but never it came to an actuall large clash at the Poldavian base.
Likewise the Poldavian army never really came close to our base. The closest position was about 400 meters away from us.

At that time we had preperations going to evacuate NAF HQ. That was one of the few personal exciting moments.
Ian was the one to initiate this effort and I needed to have some time to think this over, for I hate to abandone my base. I asked for 30 minutes and was granted that time. When he came back to me with the ugent need for that decision, I told him I was already done packing and ready to leave withing 5 minutes time. Whitin

So what did we do.
Robman and his team gained both recon information from their observation posts. Robman also had some strong bonds with the true civilians. Robman was a cousin in the bloodline of the leader of the civilians. So he knew from the start who'm we could trust and who was fake (read: PsyOps)
Judgementday had several interviews with civilians and whom were trustees, were given a special pass to allow them "free" passage through our lines and that of the Zanzians.
Information gained from the civilians usually was usefull to our efforts!

After processing the information, combined with the missions given by BE and made up missions (mostly) in line with the story we were playing, I can only say that it was a good game in itself. Not as intence as other years for the most part, but what was done, was done good.

Looking at the big pickture, the strategy followed was good for a succes in the end. But it was the weather that made NAF and Zanzian forces win the final battle. POL and NAF forces were reduced in vast numbers, but the spirit was almost out with all players. Only the Zanzian forces were largely in tact. The cominede hardcore left-over forces under the experienced guidance of Robman and Mikko made the final battle a battle to remember.

I wish to thank a few people that made this unit a good unit:

Wormbyte - I want to thank you for not only stepping up a notch on the Ranger CO, but once on site, you were a driving force to the HQ that was not an HQ. You were guiding me through that first day and never let me down. You were the one that saw it was wrong being alone, but backed me up any time you were able to. You saw the lack of support from BE crew and more than that the lack of C&C personell.
Ian, thank you for doing just that! More than that, thank you for being a friend!

Robman - the only one in command, that actually knew what he was doing! Your RL experience and the peace in your heart came out through your actions and your words.
If ever you were around, out of your OP, I could always lean on you and ask for words of advise. Not only game related, but also personal. A big thank you for being both a friend and a brother!

Judgementday - You applied for BC as no one else wanted to step up for the job. Do it again! You did a great job in your almost English officer style you wandered around the base, lead your batallion and made it a functional unit, ready to engage, do QRF missions or insert troops on minutes notice!
Also! you did a lot of intelligence work with the civillians and did the IT work in your private HQ! Good job - ready for more!

Tom! I will not forget Tom "Redmenace" in this thank you part.
You are one driving force. It never seemed you ever got tired. You were always ready to receive orders and organise things that needed to be done. It didn't matter if it was about your batallion or if it was about a RL injury, you were always there. The speed with which you could switch is unmatched. Your ability to instruct on a minutes basis is perfect!
Thank you for that Tom, you were a very welcome personality and you were always ready. Apply for BC next time and I'll back you up anytime - even if you'd apply for all over command I'll back you up! You have more in you than many could suspect!

Last but not not least Bill EagleDrive the radio man. You, as Tom was a big surprise to many. Wheneve Ian was not around, you took control and you were always in your battle gear, ready for any fight, but also for HQ duties. You re-programed all of our radio's and you even took command of all NAF forces as most others were away or asleep.
Good to know you Bill, anytime!

For the last thing I would like to recommend two people for their persistence and their loyalty. These are 9th Recon and Sniper member Sixcell and 3rd Ranger Rubberduckie.

Sixcell broke his ancle as he was on duty on a hilltop, scouting for enemy movement as he had to move. At that moment he broke his ancle and called for help. He then crawled to a higher place in order to be found more easy (yet the crew later had to recover his gear... took 3 hours to find it)
After recovery and x-rays in a Sundsvall hospital, Sixcell did not go home. He came to re-enforce HQ secirurity with a pistol and an AT-4. He actually shot one vehicle!
Great job Sixcell! That spirit is worth a million - great excample to all of us!!!

Rubberduckie busted his knee at a mission and had to pull back. He too came to HQ and started his recovery, knowing he would not be able to risk busting his knee again and not join his fellow rangers again.
His pain went away and he started to be able to use his knee again. So he became my bodyguard as I did not really have one yet. He also took charge over handling prisoners and searching for hidden weapons and in-game items. He was a reall asset to our MP squad!
At one moment RD ran after a sniper that was caught and now tried to escape... He caught him! The other thing I can recall is our HQ evac training exercise. He was with me all the time, though I had to slow down every now and then.

Good job, very good job the both of you. Had I the option to reward any person for bravery or loyalty, that reward would be yours!

I know this review is far from complete, but it's quite long enough.

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 00:02
by Redmenace_tv
+1 :)

Thank you Whiteace.

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 03:25
by Magged
Thank you! You did a good job despite our numbers!

Just a side note. I cought the run away Sniper, not Rubberduckie. Hi did all the screaming tho :9

// Magged ,2nd Mechanized, Fenris Company

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 03:29
by WhiteAce
Magged wrote:Thank you! You did a good job despite our numbers!

Just a side note. I cought the run away Sniper, not Rubberduckie. Hi did all the screaming tho :9

// Magged ,2nd Mechanized, Fenris Company
LOL In that case, you would get that award as well!

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 11:07
by milzins
NAF 9th Recon Sniper Unit @ Poldavian Main Base. Time: Friday 06:00 Morning

Sorry if posted to wrong place. But i had to show these pictures to WhiteAce like Robman asked

Sabotage Mission Completed:


Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 11:14
by WhiteAce
Hehehehe I heard the report through Robman, was still waiting for the pictures :D
Great job!!!

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 12:32
by Tiger_1
3hr before game on, wow, you be great warrior! All hail

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 12:40
by milzins
Sabotage Mission time was between 3.00 - 6.00 as our Commander requested

And we did not attack on game off. We just did Sabotage :)

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 12:42
by Tiger_1
Sabotaged what? During base safe everything in connection with main base could be on the moon for all practical purposes. It does not exists as part of the game. Perhaps NAF players should focus on sleeping during the night also, so we have someone to fight during the day....

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 13:18
by Trasher-HU
milzins wrote:Sabotage Mission time was between 3.00 - 6.00 as our Commander requested
And we did not attack on game off. We just did Sabotage :)
Next year I'd suggest "sabotage" the poldavian base before game start then post pictures and brag about it.
That would be surely an epic feat!

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 13:19
by milzins
Sabotage vehicles. WhiteAce can explain more for you. We just followed orders

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 14:10
by freno
IF mission was sanctioned by CO AND BE, it was cool but not so strategical:

6:00 - 3h before Mech would need their cars!? (2h respawn on vehicles).

On B6 we did something evil (as usual). We poisoned some NATO-prisoners with virus, and then we gived them a ride to their base. The time was close to game-off, so we was in a hurry. Still There was some time to role-play, but during game-off it should have been "sorted out". I remember a cool comment from one of the prisoners:

-Strange thing! I´ll wake up tomorrow, and realise i´m dead!?!

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 19:35
by Dexmann
Nice job Whiteace under the circumstances!

Do we get same kind of report from poldavian side? Im intrested about the numbers of their troops.

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 19:53
by milzins
anyway this mission was impossible(at our point of vision) and we had a really good time while we were sneaking to Poldavian base and waiting 2 hours 10m from base while they were returning to base. And this mission was amazing. We did it 100% and returned undiscovered.

Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 20:10
by Tiger_1
I am working on the Pol C&C report now, hope to finish it either tonight or tomorrow.