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Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 22:34
by 4leon
Spof wrote:
4leon wrote:we are coming at tuesday or wednesday maybe, so can u tell as, where is the soviet base ??

If you arrive on wednesday or earlier, you will get base direction at main safezone. If checkin is closed you may enter your base and checkin as soon as it opens.
yes, this all i know, but i dont know where is our base ??

could u tell it to us ??
thanks ;)

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 01:16
by LoomChild
As I said I'd report on the quality of the map, here goes. Purchased a map from Lantmäteriet in .rik-format. The cost was including VAT which was a bit of a surpise as I am sure I saw it was without. Not that I complain though. *smiles*

I wouldn't use this for orientation, as it's "1 pixel = five meters". But I will be able to tell aproximately where I am and I can see roads, houses, hightlines and groundtype. So even if I can't say exactly where I am down to a few meters I will be able to tell in which grid I am.

And about Kartex...that's a problem for anyone wanting a map in .rik format. It's not free, the upgrade is. Luckily a friend of mine had a CD he didn't realy need, so no problems in the end. Now I just got to learn the program a bit quick and add the info I need.

But anyways. IF anyone wants a map, go to the site, mark the area you want (I got almost the whole island for minimum price (150 SEK as said before)), then pay with credit card. Only problem is that the site is in swedish only as far as I can see, but I'm sure you could find a swede to help you if you're not speaking the language (if I have the time myself...)

Actually, B5 crew might want to do this, maps may be used within your "organisation" for free, just don't reproduce so everyone can get it. (no promices, but that's how I understood the license"). Better than areal photos in any case... Just a thought though, as we're VERY low on time and you presumably got a shitload to do.

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 13:45
by Tiger_1
Bases on the setup of the story...our base in AA3, by the coast...AA1 is swedish/FFF forces, main area of action. And AA2 is Nato mainebase area.
This is ofcourse just a quess based on what I have read ;)

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 21:43
by abacrombie
Will anyone here use a GPS?

If so, I've put in waypoints for every other square in the grid system. Each waypoint is in the centre of the square it refers to.

For mapsource, in *.gdb:

Do you want it in a different file type use:

please double check it, I did it at 3am after work.

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 22:07
by Finarvas

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 22:20
by Brujo
FYI, soviet base will be exactly at "Högsvedjan". You can pinpoint this location into your GPS'

Nice topo map, btw...

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 11:37
by Kamuffel
Thanks Fianrvas
We love you

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 15:41
by Finarvas
Thank the finns who posted it in their open forum ;) Intel ftw :p

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 16:17
by Kamuffel
Oki doki... Ill send a swarm of plastic love if I see them ingame then :P

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 18:40
by WhiteAce
Finarvas... Great job!!

Do you by any chance also know the grid distances for this map?

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 19:18
by Finarvas
No, I guess one could compare and scale down the previous maps to fit the grid over this one.

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 19:29
by Brujo
Please be advised, all CoyCO's and PltCO's and 2IC's will each get a map during briefing. Map will have unique gridding and its a topo map (cleaned one from finarvas).

I will not publish links to map and normal grunts will not get it. They will live with the organizers one.

Map has charted soviet base, safezone and few other candies.