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Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 14:54
by arrelius
Thank you all in MP that arrived at Berget and played. To bad it didnt work out as planned and it's a bit sad that I had to leave after just one day, shit happens. However, it was fun to play with you and meet everyone. Hopefully we'll see eachother on another game in the future. Until then, pose!

"The guy who just slept throught B5"

Posted: 17 Jun 2007, 13:01
by Torak
Yeah, it did go bollocks up rather quickly, didn't it?

Pity I didn't get to meet you all - but those I did meet, it was fun meeting you, however briefly. We'll have to see about attending a game as an MP platoon with, y'know, actual MP stuff to do some time.

Posted: 17 Jun 2007, 21:56
by Petur
Well then. Game over.

Great meeting you all (the ppl I met that is). All in all I am very happy that I´ve been to this event, no matter how tired and smelly I was when I came home. :P

To my squad: You are the sneakiest most groovy trigger happy special forces squad ever, fantastic playing with you. "Hot dogs" ftw! 8)

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 05:38
by Landin
Thanx for a sweet game, we in section two broke out and made a squad called "Hot Dogs" and went to kill some damn russians =) hehe

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 07:27
by arrelius
Hehe, sounds like a great deal of fun To bad I missed that one :P

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 10:48
by Crapgame
well, the game didnt turn out they way i planned or wanted but i had a good time anyway, much thanks to u 5-6 guys in hotdog squad....

hornet, ill thank u to but u could have given us moore information :wink:
we got very little info on what to do, what was happening and moore. but it was great to spek to u and you have a nice sense of humor and you do care of your men.

Rocco was also nice as a person, very respectabel, giving respect and moore

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 12:26
by SexKitten
Great game and great guys and girls if you ask me. Thanks again for a nice time :)

Hot Dogs ftw!

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 15:19
by 6uarq;an
Well "Hotdogs lead the way!" or?
It was a great game but only thanks to the players... The only thing I did was guard duty, sneaking some covering fire, maybe I shot 2 russians while reconquering our base... and died 2 times -.-
Thanks to all Hotdogs, Hornet, Rocco and all the others around!
Thanks Petur for being my buddy more then once.
So now I need to plan a gun tuning.. I noticed it works in too limited range :oops:

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 16:55
by Giersu
Heh, at first I was pretty mad at Rocco seeing him ruin our vision of MP platoon, but.. After what I saw, I decided to disband the Polish section of MP and we split - some of us formed a scout/SF unit, the rest was there to protect the base. I'm really happy about how it all looked like at the end, but I'd definetely love to play it sometime the way we were planning it...

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 17:37
by Petur
Oh, and those of you that have pictures from the event, can you put them on a webpage or ftp and give me (us?) the adress? Cheers :)

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 19:35
by Crapgame
oh right... u remember the gun i lost in the first assault when we tried to find the ruskie base?

well it turned out some good soul had found it and turned it in to Lost and Found in safezone so i got it back saturday afternoon :D

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 19:39
by arrelius
great :D

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 23:44
by Forze
Was fun to hang around with you guys, especially thanks to Hornet85 for letting me make a small shack & put my lazy ass with my '60 there. Got a lot of kills with the russian assault on the base with it ;)


Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 23:59
by Skuggan
hey guys... isnt anyone gonna say something nice about me? :D

well... it was a pleasure to meet you all... too bad it ended the way it did though...

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 00:19
by Petur
Skuggan: I´ll save my comments on you until I have seen the pictures. ;) Are they going public soon?

Forze: Didn´t think you were in this forum, but you and your gun I will remember for a long time! :D Thanks for helping out with our guard duty, and good work defending the base!