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Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 16:58
by Alcon
I was wondering how many people will a squad consist of and what kind and what character will it consist of? can't find the answers anywhere

Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 17:03
by vardemis
squad around 5 personn
platoon 3 or 4 squad

am i right ?

Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 17:39
by Plasma
I was wondering how many people maximum will a squad consist of. And how many engineer and medic is the maximum in a Squad !?

thanks for a rapid answer.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 13:49
by Berget-events
We organizers dont the decide this... It will be upp to the command unit on each side to decide. It is all decided long time before the game, so you can all se wich part you will belong to. (ofcourse you can play with your friends in the same group)

But standard for previous Berget games is:

Squad: 5 -10
Platoon: 3 squads
Company: 3 Platoons
Batallion: 3-5 Companies

Its recomended to have 1 support or 1 light support and 1 or 2 medics in a squad, but its up to you to decide.

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 11:40
by oiralies
so we can have 2 medics pr squad if we wish?

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 12:54
by Vader [WG-A.I.M.]
there's very interesting point of view!
who plays Battlefield 2 knows there are skirmish es sometimes, and all players became medics and heal themselves. so, now you know what I want to ask: :)
what will happens if ALL playes in the team will apply this and will become medics?

as we see there's no restrictions to do it.

Any comments please ! :)

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 14:07
by Crapgame
@ Vader [WG-A.I.M.]
great question, but beacuse its some kiond of mil-sim personaly thinks that the berget-staff has thought that it should rpely to some kind of realistic number of medicroles... like maximum of 2 medics per squad( 1 medic if they are only 5 persons in a squad)

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 15:52
by Torak
Hey, you can have all medics in a squad if you like, go right ahead.

Of course, you won't have a squad leader, so no long-range radio. You won't have any support gunner, so no heavy weapons. And so on.

Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 15:58
by Vader [WG-A.I.M.]
Crapgame, good point !
in this case let's consider ONE medic per FIVE squadmates.
and we will have 20 medics for 100 players including medics themselves.

I don't sure it will best choice , however number of my teammates will be just private troopers without role. but.... I will explain them WHY they must apply think role.

Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 01:09
by Torak
Oh, they don't need to be unarmed. But you can't combine classes, so if your whole squad consists of medics you won't have a squad leader, a support gunner, and so on.